Slow and steady doesn't win the fat loss race

Are you a bit on the impatient side and want results yesterday? 🙋 Well, here’s some news you’ve been dying to hear…

Research has shown that faster initial weight loss can make you 5x more likely to reach your goal

It’s one of those rare situations where something sounds too good to be true, but actually is true!

Not only can it result in more fat being lost, but it is a strong predictor of long-term success, and can also result in keeping the fat off better. It’s literally a win-win situation.

There are a few reasons why rapid initial weight loss can be better than slow weight loss:

1. Momentum Matters 📉 Quick progress boosts your motivation, and that motivation fuels consistent action.

2. Positive Reinforcement 🏆 Effort requires a reward to be worth it. When you make big changes to your diet and lifestyle, you want to see the rewards, otherwise, you’re likely to give up. Making fast progress helps you see and feel the changes in your body, scales, clothes, energy levels, and confidence better, which provides a big reward for your efforts. This helps to positively reinforce your hard work and improve habit formation, making you more likely to continue working hard.

3. Done and dusted sooner ⏩ It’s easier to commit to something and apply more effort when you know it isn’t going to take forever.

So, if you're a busy parent or professional and are ready to make serious progress seriously fast, then our fat loss programs are exactly what you need. Our fat loss programs are tailored to help you get into amazing shape without giving your favourite foods or social life. But don't take our word for it; check out the busy parents and professionals we've helped, like Ed, who lost 77 lbs!

Ed Salmon Transformation Side.jpg

Don't waste time getting into your dream body and feeling amazing in your skin. Sign up and start the process of tailoring your plan to your goals, body, and lifestyle right now with our Fat Loss Programs! Or you could continue spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated with your body and lack of energy and vitality… it's your choice 😊

About the author

Daniel Brack

BSc., Pn1, CFT, SEN

From commercial pilot to fitness coach, Daniel changed careers to pursue his passion for health & fitness. He is the founder of Recalibrated Bodies and co-founder and Head Coach of Titan Fitness Algarve. He has a Bachelor of Science in Strength and Conditioning and is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Sports and Exercise Nutritionist. Daniel was an international IFBB men's physique competitor and is a father to two daughters. His passion is helping others become more educated and skilled to reach their health and fitness goals.

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